Spread the Word About USI-Tech Fraud

Help us spread the word about this website, contact all the people who you know that were in your downline and/or were part of USI TECH.

The more people involved and the more evidence presented will help build a solid case the authorities can use against USI TECH.

Spread the word about this website with this link = usi-tech-fraud.com

Spread the word about the conference calls =  every Wednesday at 6.00pm pacific 800-555-1212 = code 1278

Check the conference call page to find the latest schedule of of future calls.

Please do not link this page directly to people you contact. reason is we want everyone to read the formal notice and disclaimer so they understand what we are trying to accomplish and gets

  • Spread the word using your email.
  • Spread the word using Facebook.
  • Spread the word using Twitter.
  • Spread the word using any other social media.
  • Spread the word using

We have accounts set up on Facebook and Twitter, you can just link these accounts to others.

Please let us know if you have any suggestions to spread the word to more people. Share your results with us.


Here is a few examples of what you can use to contact people, put this in your email or social media.

Add whatever you want to get people excited about spending a few minutes to help out providing evidence and contacting others they know.

Example text one

Example text two